UPDATE (November 9, 2012): Regarding my June 4, 2012 issue, after I had my bill it was confirmed that they have upgraded my account to 1Mbps bundle and not the 2Mbps bundle, that’s why the speed is just the same with my first plan which is 1Mbps Data Only. So I emailed support again telling them that the upgrade was wrong. And in July my plan was successfully upgraded to 2Mbps. So far I am enjoying my 2Mbps plan with Globe (but its slow during peak hours, well at least its…), haven’t experienced major issues (except last November 1, 2012 which my broadband modem/router dies ๐Ÿ™ ย  )… But was replaced with a new one last November 3, 2012.

UPDATE (June 4, 2012): Upgraded my Globe Broadband Plan to its new 2Mbps Plan (with landline) last week. Got a free wifi router (single port). Everything is OK, no disconnection or whatsoever. Only thing I noticed is my connection speed didn’t change at all. I have my history of speed tests result in speedtest.net and compared it with my result after the upgrade and sadly nothing is changed. They were roughly the same, around 600 Kbps to 1000 Kbps ๐Ÿ™ …. But anyways its too early to tell, I’ll just wait for another month, observe it religiously and if nothing is changed, I’d better downgrade it back to 1Mbps.

UPDATE (April 4, 2012): After a very rough experience with globe broadband, and so many visits with the techs, my internet connection is stable at last (for more than a month now..wow)… I have already decided to terminate my subscription and applied to PLDT but suddenly my connection is alive! been observing it for a week and wow, no disconnection or whatsoever! (except when the rain is heavy, but that’s fine with me). So up to now, I am using my Globe Broadband, as long as it is usable, I guess I’m going to stay with them (since PLDT does not offer data only plan, well I don’t need a landline) …. for now I am satisfied…


— —- — —

I’ve been with Globe Broadband for about 7 months now and all I experienced is SLOW internet connection and a very UNSTABLE/UNRELIABLE one. Well, I can take a slow internet speed but what really annoys me is the frequent disconnection from the internet. 1-3 disconnection a day for me is acceptable, but 1-6 disconnection per hour is hell!

Another very annoying experience I have is when I talked with their customer service representative, I told the CSR that the ADSL light of my broadband router/modem is blinking, it cannot sync in. His reply was: “Sir, can you please reboot your computer?”… huh?! Does this guy knows what he was saying? (having a very bad day and nearly on my boiling point!)… I tried to relax my self (I don’t want to be rude) and told him “I don’t think the problem is with my computer, in fact I have not opened my computer since my broadband router is telling me it is not connected and it cannot connect (that is ADSL light is blinking, it is supposed to be steady when it is sync with ADSL, another light is for internet, it is supposed to be blinking when you have internet connection). I have power-cycled my broadband router for so many times, still no ADSL connection.” and after that thank God he scheduled me for a tech visit. One thing I learned from it, tech support does not have proper training regarding their routers/modems.. too bad.

A short story why I have Globe Broadband:

One of my friend is a Globe Broadband Subscriber for a long time, and of course he recommended it because he has never experience stability/reliability and speed issues. But unfortunately his experience with Globe Broadband was totally opposite with mine! He was so lucky to be connected on a very good broadband cabinet.

So in summary, my experience was applicable to me, my self and I only. Other subscribers of Globe Broadband enjoys a very good service (lucky them). I have heard others also experience the same issue with me. (unlucky us). For me (in my situation), the real problem as I trace it, is in the broadband cabinet where my line is connected. Every time I call for repair, it was always with the cabinet. BAD cabinet ๐Ÿ™ !


My Ratings on Globe Broadband (1 – 5 ; where 1 is the lowest)

  • SPEED ย – ย 2.5
  • SATISFACTION ย – ย 2 3.5
  • CUSTOMER SUPPORT ย – ย 2.5

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PS: I am writing this post using my Globe Mobile Broadband Stick – although it is VERY slow, at least I have internet connection.. (I have also SmartBro stick (they say its faster), but unfortunately Smart Telcom Signal in our area is not 3G)

Edit: May 5, 2011 – 4th day of waiting for them to repair my connection, 4th time they have scheduled me for tech visit, 4 days I have waited in our house, wasting my time, just to make sure I am at our house when they arrive, 4 days of spending Php 50 to use my broadband stick just to surf the net and do important stuff, still, up to this moment my GLOBE WIRED BROADBAND IS DOWN!

Please Note: Iโ€™m not really good in grammars, writings and whatever, I just make sure its human readable! .. ๐Ÿ˜›


2011/05/26  16:41:51.34  SYSTEM ***** LinkMonitor initialized *****
2011/05/26  16:41:51.34  STATUS Idle
2011/05/26  16:41:56.68  SYSTEM Monitor started (www.google.com)
2011/05/26  16:42:10.96  STATUS Disconnected, bad destination: www.google.com
2011/05/26  16:42:47.43  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/26  17:03:54.78  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/26  17:03:57.55  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/26  17:27:27.19  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/26  17:27:29.83  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/26  17:36:31.15  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/26  17:36:33.78  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/26  17:38:44.65  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/26  17:39:00.50  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/26  17:42:25.92  STATUS Disconnected, bad destination: www.google.com
2011/05/26  18:22:40.01  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/26  22:38:36.03  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/26  22:38:44.26  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/26  22:38:57.61  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/26  22:39:11.09  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/26  22:39:50.52  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/26  22:39:53.05  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/26  22:41:13.66  STATUS Disconnected, bad destination: www.google.com
2011/05/26  22:47:58.92  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/26  22:48:49.11  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/26  22:48:51.64  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/26  22:49:10.12  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/26  22:49:12.63  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/26  22:49:23.64  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/26  22:49:31.66  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/26  22:50:45.15  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/26  22:50:47.66  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/26  22:50:58.66  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/26  22:51:01.19  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/26  22:51:22.18  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/26  22:51:35.72  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/26  22:51:49.20  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/26  22:54:22.17  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/26  23:01:42.48  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/26  23:02:17.82  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/26  23:02:33.79  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/26  23:02:41.81  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/26  23:03:12.05  STATUS Disconnected, bad destination: www.google.com
2011/05/27  00:00:03.00  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/27  00:24:28.49  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/27  00:24:31.06  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/27  00:24:46.98  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/27  00:25:05.99  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/27  00:25:29.47  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/27  00:25:37.54  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/27  00:25:53.53  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/27  00:26:07.72  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/27  00:26:44.97  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/27  00:26:47.49  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/27  00:27:12.29  STATUS Disconnected, bad destination: www.google.com
2011/05/27  00:43:01.97  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/27  04:01:52.70  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/27  04:01:55.28  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/27  04:02:18.20  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/27  04:02:26.21  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/27  04:02:37.20  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/27  04:02:56.22  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/27  04:04:05.72  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/27  04:04:08.42  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/27  04:04:41.95  STATUS Disconnected, bad destination: www.google.com
2011/05/27  04:06:08.54  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/27  04:06:42.48  SYSTEM Monitor stopped
2011/05/27  04:06:42.49  STATUS Idle
2011/05/27  04:06:46.53  SYSTEM Monitor started (
2011/05/27  04:06:46.57  STATUS Connected:
2011/05/27  08:37:55.78  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out:
2011/05/27  08:38:03.80  STATUS Connected:
2011/05/27  08:38:17.24  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out:
2011/05/27  08:38:25.25  STATUS Connected:
2011/05/27  08:38:36.23  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out:
2011/05/27  08:38:40.13  STATUS Connected:
2011/05/27  08:38:53.24  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out:
2011/05/27  08:38:58.61  STATUS Connected:
2011/05/27  09:55:45.46  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out:
2011/05/27  09:55:49.60  STATUS Connected:
2011/05/27  09:56:03.05  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out:
2011/05/27  09:56:08.32  STATUS Connected:
2011/05/27  11:09:23.84  SYSTEM Monitor stopped
2011/05/27  11:09:23.84  STATUS Idle
2011/05/27  11:09:32.80  SYSTEM Monitor started (www.google.com)
2011/05/27  11:09:47.07  STATUS Disconnected, bad destination: www.google.com
2011/05/27  11:10:23.31  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/27  11:24:08.31  SYSTEM Monitor stopped
2011/05/27  11:24:08.37  STATUS Idle
2011/05/27  11:24:10.58  SYSTEM Monitor started (www.google.com)
2011/05/27  11:24:10.81  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/27  16:03:27.27  SYSTEM Monitor stopped
2011/05/27  16:03:27.36  STATUS Idle
2011/05/27  16:03:28.87  SYSTEM Monitor stopped
2011/05/27  16:03:28.87  SYSTEM ***** LinkMonitor closed *****
2011/05/28  04:28:55.69  SYSTEM ***** LinkMonitor initialized *****
2011/05/28  04:28:55.69  STATUS Idle
2011/05/28  04:28:59.01  SYSTEM Monitor started (www.google.com)
2011/05/28  04:28:59.28  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/28  04:30:51.96  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/28  04:30:56.99  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/28  04:31:02.96  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/28  04:31:08.09  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/28  04:33:05.46  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/28  04:33:10.58  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/28  04:35:02.95  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/28  04:35:19.95  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/28  04:35:30.95  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/28  04:35:35.97  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/28  04:35:41.95  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/28  04:35:46.97  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/28  04:35:54.45  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/28  04:35:59.47  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/28  04:36:05.44  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/28  04:36:16.45  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/28  04:44:03.91  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/28  04:44:09.05  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/28  04:45:11.41  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/28  04:45:16.55  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/28  04:46:49.41  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/28  04:46:54.53  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/28  04:54:06.38  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/28  04:54:11.50  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/28  04:55:59.87  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/28  04:56:05.00  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/28  04:59:40.85  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/28  04:59:45.99  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/28  05:07:02.83  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/28  05:07:07.95  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/28  05:10:43.81  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/28  05:10:48.94  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/28  05:18:37.00  SYSTEM Monitor stopped
2011/05/28  05:18:37.00  STATUS Idle
2011/05/28  05:18:37.96  SYSTEM Monitor stopped
2011/05/28  05:18:37.96  SYSTEM ***** LinkMonitor closed *****
2011/05/28  13:31:27.77  SYSTEM ***** LinkMonitor initialized *****
2011/05/28  13:31:27.77  STATUS Idle
2011/05/28  13:31:34.94  SYSTEM Monitor started (www.google.com)
2011/05/28  13:31:35.23  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/28  13:38:12.92  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/28  13:38:18.09  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/28  13:49:37.92  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/28  13:49:43.07  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/28  13:55:47.93  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/28  13:55:53.27  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/28  13:57:00.95  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/28  13:57:06.50  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/28  13:59:25.95  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/28  13:59:31.10  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/28  14:00:28.96  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/28  14:00:34.10  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/28  14:14:28.46  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/28  14:14:33.60  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/28  14:16:26.97  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/28  14:16:32.10  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/28  14:22:49.98  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/28  14:22:55.10  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/28  14:50:05.95  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/28  14:50:35.01  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/28  14:50:45.98  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/28  14:51:02.96  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/28  14:52:33.52  STATUS Disconnected, bad destination: www.google.com
2011/05/28  14:54:55.61  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/28  14:55:01.43  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/28  14:55:06.46  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/28  14:55:12.43  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/28  14:55:41.44  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/28  14:55:52.43  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/28  14:55:57.45  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/28  14:56:13.43  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/28  14:56:24.45  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/28  14:56:50.42  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/28  14:57:31.44  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/28  14:57:37.42  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/28  14:57:48.43  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/28  14:58:59.42  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/28  14:59:16.42  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/28  14:59:32.42  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/28  15:16:20.18  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/28  15:16:25.86  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/28  15:17:18.86  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/28  15:17:24.85  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/28  15:17:29.87  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/28  15:17:45.88  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/28  15:17:56.86  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/28  15:18:02.84  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/28  15:18:19.87  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/28  15:18:50.84  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/28  15:19:01.85  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/28  15:19:22.84  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/28  15:19:27.86  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/28  15:19:38.84  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/28  15:19:49.86  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/28  15:20:14.15  STATUS Disconnected, bad destination: www.google.com
2011/05/28  15:21:01.93  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/28  17:14:13.91  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/28  17:14:19.27  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/28  17:23:13.87  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/28  17:23:18.90  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/28  17:23:29.87  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/28  17:23:47.18  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/28  17:23:57.92  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/28  17:24:03.27  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/28  17:48:35.77  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/28  17:48:40.91  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/28  19:05:54.66  SYSTEM Monitor stopped
2011/05/28  19:05:54.72  SYSTEM ***** LinkMonitor terminated *****
2011/05/29  02:34:53.54  SYSTEM ***** LinkMonitor initialized *****
2011/05/29  02:34:53.54  STATUS Idle
2011/05/29  02:34:59.24  SYSTEM Monitor started (www.google.com)
2011/05/29  02:35:00.02  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/29  02:38:51.70  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/29  02:38:56.86  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/29  02:41:32.21  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/29  02:41:38.13  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/29  02:43:21.17  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/29  02:43:26.86  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/29  02:44:43.67  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/29  02:44:48.92  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/29  02:45:43.67  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/29  02:45:49.15  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/29  02:47:01.16  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/29  02:47:06.86  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/29  02:51:00.64  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/29  02:51:06.19  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/29  02:56:31.13  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/29  02:56:36.97  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/29  02:57:09.62  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/29  02:57:15.46  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/29  02:57:31.12  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/29  02:57:36.54  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/29  02:59:11.18  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/29  02:59:17.02  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/29  03:08:28.59  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/29  03:08:33.95  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/29  05:03:12.83  STATUS Disconnected, bad destination: www.google.com
2011/05/29  05:03:45.79  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/29  05:40:53.68  SYSTEM Monitor stopped
2011/05/29  05:40:53.69  SYSTEM ***** LinkMonitor terminated *****
2011/05/29  18:21:50.15  SYSTEM ***** LinkMonitor initialized *****
2011/05/29  18:21:50.15  STATUS Idle
2011/05/29  18:22:06.93  SYSTEM Monitor stopped
2011/05/29  18:22:06.93  SYSTEM ***** LinkMonitor closed *****
2011/05/29  18:23:12.97  SYSTEM ***** LinkMonitor initialized *****
2011/05/29  18:23:12.97  STATUS Idle
2011/05/29  18:23:16.08  SYSTEM Monitor started (www.google.com)
2011/05/29  18:23:16.36  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/29  19:14:30.41  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/29  19:47:58.14  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/29  22:52:47.24  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/29  22:52:57.44  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/30  00:27:52.89  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/30  00:29:17.24  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/30  01:12:56.23  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/30  01:13:06.52  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/30  02:33:46.41  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/30  02:33:57.51  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/30  05:41:30.99  SYSTEM Monitor stopped
2011/05/30  05:41:31.03  SYSTEM ***** LinkMonitor terminated *****
2011/05/31  13:25:26.70  SYSTEM ***** LinkMonitor initialized *****
2011/05/31  13:25:26.71  STATUS Idle
2011/05/31  13:26:25.94  SYSTEM Monitor stopped
2011/05/31  13:26:25.95  SYSTEM ***** LinkMonitor closed *****
2011/05/31  13:26:31.42  SYSTEM ***** LinkMonitor initialized *****
2011/05/31  13:26:31.42  STATUS Idle
2011/05/31  13:26:33.90  SYSTEM Monitor started (www.google.com)
2011/05/31  13:26:48.48  STATUS Disconnected, bad destination: www.google.com
2011/05/31  13:32:14.21  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/31  13:33:36.59  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/31  13:34:34.60  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/31  13:34:46.58  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/31  13:35:08.60  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/31  13:35:20.58  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/31  13:36:18.60  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/31  13:36:42.86  STATUS Disconnected, bad destination: www.google.com
2011/05/31  13:37:19.35  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/31  13:45:16.54  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/31  13:45:26.76  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/31  13:46:09.04  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/31  13:46:19.14  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/31  14:07:34.96  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/31  14:07:45.06  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/31  14:08:47.45  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/31  14:08:57.55  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/31  14:10:50.94  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/31  14:11:01.05  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/31  14:13:44.93  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/31  14:13:55.03  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/31  14:19:01.41  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/31  14:19:11.54  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/31  14:19:23.41  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/31  14:19:33.51  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/31  14:27:22.40  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/31  14:27:32.51  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/31  14:27:54.40  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/31  14:28:04.47  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/31  14:28:16.38  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/31  14:28:26.44  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/31  14:28:38.38  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/31  14:31:37.94  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/31  14:41:11.36  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/31  14:42:21.34  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/31  14:42:33.32  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/31  14:42:43.34  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/31  14:42:55.32  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/31  14:43:29.34  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/31  15:04:22.24  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/31  15:04:32.36  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/31  15:13:51.20  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/31  15:14:01.32  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/31  15:15:44.19  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/31  15:15:54.31  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/31  15:17:37.19  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/31  15:17:59.30  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/31  15:21:54.17  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/31  15:22:04.82  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/31  15:26:19.65  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/31  15:26:41.77  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/31  15:32:57.63  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/31  15:33:07.86  STATUS Connected: www.google.com
2011/05/31  15:34:30.62  STATUS Disconnected, request timed out: www.google.com
2011/05/31  15:34:40.74  STATUS Connected: www.google.com