Speedier Google Chrome
For more than a month now I’ve been using Google Chrome. Last month, I have read about Google Chrome – a fast browser. Out of curiosity, I have downloaded and installed Google Chrome. I have tried browsing using IE, Firefox and Chrome, comparing its performance. Google Chrome literally nailed the two browsers (IE, Firefox).
Now, Google release the Beta version of Google Chrome. And its even faster than its first release (30% faster).
Improved New Tab Page: The most requested feature from users was the ability to remove thumbnails from the New Tab page. Now you can finally hide that embarrassing gossip blog from the Most Visited section.
Full Screen Mode: If you’ve ever given a presentation or watched a large video using Google Chrome, you might have wished you could use every last pixel on your screen for the content. Now you can hide the title bar and the rest of the browser window by hitting F11 or selecting the option in the Tools menu.
Form Autofill: Filling out your information in forms over and over again can be tedious. Form autofill helps by showing information you’ve previously entered into the same form fields automatically. If at any point you want to clear out your information, that’s easy to do from the Tools menu.
Other Features includes:
New Tab Page, Application Shortcuts, Dynamic Tabs, Crash Control (able to terminate selected part of the browser – cool), Incognito Mode (I love this one!), Safe Browsing, Instant Bookmarks and Simpler Downloads.
For more details on feature Click Here
Google Chrome Blog
Ofcourse, there is no such thing as “perfect”. There are some downside also in google chrome. (The one that I really hate is when I accidentally hit the [x] button and it closes all my open tabs without warning — aw!)
Yet, the first thing I looked at a browser is SPEED, this is the most important feature for me. Ofcourse if in some instance that Chrome cannot perform something, I have Firefox in its back.. hehehe!