Almost everybody has Facebook and Twitter account, and we spend lots of time a day checking for updates in our Social Network. So what you really gain from social networking sites? Friends, communication, updates from their status, sharing new photos, and, well, entertainment — (nice games on Facebook!).
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But now I’m thinking, what if, I’m going to put another use of my social network account, something productive, which is EARNING some MONEY. So, I did some googling, and came up with CHURPCHURP.
What is ChurpChurp?
ChurpChurp is your ultimate integrated social media solution that rewards you as ‘Influencer’ for sharing. There will be campaigns notifications provided to you from time to time.
Ok, so if you allow ChurpChurp to access your Facebook and Twitter account it would share available campaigns to your wall. But of course not automatically. ChurpChurp is not a spam site, it does not automatically post ads in your account without your consent, so, you have to manually allow it before it shares something.
Maybe you’ll think, having some ads/campaigns in your wall is annoying. Well, I thought of that at first also. But, as I have observed, there were lots of ads which automatically post on some users accounts these days, and whats worst, it doesn’t ask for permissions and you don’t earn from them (these are malwares/adwares – these are apps you have installed in your account thinking it was something, and some came from malwares installed in you system). So why not make use of my Facebook and Twitter account to display ads/campaigns which simply makes me earn some money? right?
By the way, ChurpChurp is not a get-rich-instantly scheme. So, don’t expect to get rich by Churping 😀 … Its just another way of having passive income.
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